The Perfect Pitch

They say a true Parisian woman can size you up from your head to your shoes and back up again in milliseconds, so fast that most people won’t even notice ‘the look’. If judgment calls are made just by passing someone in the street, imagine the reaction to a clumsy elevator pitch.

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The Listeria hysteria: How not to communicate from a crisis communications vantage point

If there could be anything worse than the largest ever recorded outbreak of this severe form of listeriosis globally, it could only be the way it has been communicated. In fact, from a crisis communications perspective, the killer polony scandal can be used as a case study of how NOT to respond to an unfolding tragedy of such mammoth proportions.

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In the firing line – tips for dealing with the media

OK. So you’ve learned the basics of how to deal with the media. And you think you’re ready. The fact is – you’re not. When last did you go through rigorous Media Skills Training? A few years ago? And was it a rather dull PowerPoint presentation with a handy guide book thrown in for good measure?

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