Category: Out and Loud Opinion Pieces

The hour my heart stopped

There is only the briefest of moments when I feel afraid. And I mean really afraid. I’m deep in the thicket of the Volcanoes National Park in the northwest corner of Rwanda and I’m standing one metre away from an agitated four-hundred-pound Silverback gorilla.

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When the sh*t hits the instant messaging fan

During workshops on Key Message Development, I always beat on about only having three key messages at hand to carry you through any form of communication – particularly when it means having to convey something unpalatable. Anything more than that tends to get lost in the bubbling maelstrom of information we have to wade through each day.

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The PR client no-one wants to talk about

Let’s call it like it is for once, shall we? No tiresome beating around the bush. Governments generally don’t want you to know that they have Big Boy public relations machinery working for them. Bell Pottinger is one repugnant South African case in point.

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I don’t know if you, like me, are mortified by the way people write – or shall I say attempt to write – these days. It seems perfectly acceptable to misspell names, to abbreviate words into The Dreaded Text Speak, and then to sign off with an obligatory emoji.

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We don’t talk anymore

The ability to communicate – be it face-to-face or in written form – is withering away. And I mourn its imminent demise keenly.

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It’s no point to play nice

There are a few things in life that are unavoidable. One of them is paying your tax – although there are those in high places who seem to slither their way out of that one.

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From attack dog to mentor

Life is a funny thing. But the one thing it has taught me is that the only constant is change. It doesn’t come easily to most – not least of all to me. It can be a terrifying prospect, a leap into the unknown, and an utterly overwhelming inevitability.

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The Art of Uncomfortable Conversation

The proverbial elephant in the room seems to be taking up more space at each workshop I facilitate, with delegates doing their level best to side step and shadow box around it, or to make it their sole mission to steer clear of unpalatable subject matter.

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Fake news in a time of half-truths

Fake news and yellow journalism has undoubtedly become the new norm. From false reports and fake missing friends, to photo-shopped images, government scandals and sensationalism, this scourge has organisations and news outlets fighting for their credibility.

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Press conferences: Hard facts or half-truths?

So if adamantly refusing to answer questions from journalists and blaming the media for an unfolding social crisis counts as a press conference, then the whole notion of press briefings is nothing short of a cruel joke.

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